Prof., Dr. med. Leonid KOSMODEMYANSKIY
Brief Report for Russia.
In 2016 Dr Prof. Leonid Kosmodemyanskiy is elected Vice President from Russia for LMHI, by recommendation of Dr. Nikolay Zamarenov - past NVP for Liga. Russian branch has 2 institutional organization: Russian Homeopathic Society, Russian Homeopathic Association. We have 2 official homeopathic chairs in government universities: Russian University of People Friendship, Postgraduate Medical University of Federal Medical-Biological Agency, 1 joint ‘World Homeopathic Medical School’, adopted by Ministry, and some education courses in universities. In 2016 were held: 5th All Russian Congress of Russian homoeopathic community, 27th Moscow International Conference and 1st EuroAsian Congress Joint with 25th Congress of AHML. Those events are continuing every year till present time. “Russian Homoeopathic Journal” – internet edition - started from 2016. After attacks on Homeopathy in February 2017, all our homeopathic community took part in the work against those falsifications.
National Vice-President for Russia
8/20/2014 5:05:04 AM