Dr. Mayra N. Riverón Garrote
Calle 168 No. 133 entre 1ra y 5ta. Ave. Playa
Habana - Flores Playa
E-Mail: mailto:mriveron@infomed.sld.cu
LMHI Country Report 2010
After arduous work, Cuban homeopaths were able to present to the National Health Authorities a proposal regarding a homeopathic formulation to fight the pandemic of Influenza H1N1 on the island. The product, called Nodegrip, was distributed free to the Cuban population, with the hope of improving immunologic resistance.
The year 2010 concluded with a graduation in the capital that resulted in the incorporation of new doctors, dentists, and pharmacists to homeopathy. Dr. Jan Scholten visited and lectured on the theory of the mineral elements of the periodic chart.
Every year, there are various events focusing on natural medicine, including homeopathy. We have new work challenges this year with the incorporation of new professionals, the continuity of research, both veterinarian and agricultural. Important veterinary research is being carried out in the county of Matanzas.
LMHI Cuba-National Contact Person
8/20/2014 3:28:02 AM