NVP of Netherlands:
Beatrice Roldaan
mail: b.roldaan@outlook.com National Homeopathic Organization (Institutional LMHI-Member)
AVIG - homeopathy division A: Regulierenring 12B, 3981 LB Bunnik, the Netherlands; T: 0031 6 14805117
E: info@avig.nl
A short history of Homeopathy in the NederlandsAlready in 1827 the Organon (3rd edition) was available in the Dutch language. The first Dutch book, by J.P.F.Schönfeld title “Contributions to Homeopathy”, was published 1838. In 1857 the first medical doctor practising homeopathy was a German doctor.
Dr. N.A.J. Voorhoeve, a famous homeopathic doctor, was the founder of the KVHN in 1886, an association to promote homeopathy, which is now the patients association. He also founded the association for medical doctors practising homeopathy in 1898 VHAN and a homeopathic hospital in 1906. His son started a phamaceutical company producing homeopathic remedies in 1913. This company joined the German company Schwabe and Madaus, so forming the new name VSM (Voorhoeve/Schwabe/Madaus), which is still working.
Since 1900 several homeopathic journals where published and after World War II the “Netherlands Journal for Homeopathy” was regularly published until 1965. In 1971 a new journal “Similia Similbus Currentur” was issued 4 times each year and was followed in 2013 by “Journal for Integrative Medicine”.
A privat docent was teaching homeopathy for medical students interested in homeopathy in the VU (University in Amsterdam) from 1961 until 1983. The education in homeopathy for medical doctors was possible from 1977, first full-time, but from 1980 part-time in the SHO. Now the education is organised by the “Homeopathie stichting”(Homeopaty Association).
The VHAN was the medical doctors association until 2012. Due to the need to communicate to politicians together with all other doctors working with complementary Medicine, in 2012 the VHAN together with the ABNG-2000/ABB, an association for naturopathic doctors, and the NVNR, an association of doctors for neural and regulation therapy started a new association named AVIG: association of physicians for integral medicine. The AVIG now represents the group of homeopathic physicians in the Netherlands.
Adresses of organisations and institutions on homeopathy in the Netherlands:Medical organisation for homeopathic doctors
AVIG - homeopathy division A: Regulierenring 12B, 3981 LB Bunnik, the Netherlands; T: 0031 6 14805117; E: info@avig.nl ; www.avig.nl
Homeopathic School: Homeopathie Stichting , http://www.homeopathiestichting.nl/
The postgraduate training courses are being organised by AIM (Academy for Integrative Medicine) E: http://aim-edu.nl/contact.html
Information website on Homeopathy for the public: www.homeopathie.nl
Pharmacy: Hahnemann apotheek ; De Krommert 18; 1851 ZE Heiloo; the Netherlands; t:0031 72 5325373; e: info@hahnemann.nl website: www.hahnemann.nl
LMHI Netherlands-National Vice-President for the Netherlands
5/24/2022 9:00:00 AM