'Scientific Framework of Homoeopathy' released on the occasion of World Homoeopathy Day 2021

6/30/2021 9:39:47 AM

Scientific Framework of Homoeopathy' was released from the platform of Scientific Conference on World Homoeopathy Day (WHD-2021) held in New Delhi, India on 10-11 April 2021 in the august presence of dignitaries from Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India, and from the Homoeopathy fraternity (pic attached). This book is a joint publication of CCRH (ccrhindia.nic.in), LMHI (www.lmhi.org) and ECH (homeopathyeurope.org). Read it here- https://www.lmhi.org/Home/ScientificFramework CCRH- https://www.ccrhindia.nic.in//admnis/admin/showimg.aspx?ID=15844