HPUS & Other Pharmacopeias: What’s the Dif? Why It’s A Big Deal – To You.

9/8/2023 6:15:25 AM

HPUS & Other Pharmacopeias: What’s the Dif? Why It’s A Big Deal – To You. One often doesn’t think about it, but there are different ways to make homeopathic medicines, especially the first step for botanical starting materials. Some methods are official in the HPUS. Other methods are not. Some methods make attenuations you expect. Others make attenuations vastly different than your expectations. It is important for practitioners to be aware of those differences and to be prepared to ask the questions that will provide you with sufficient information to know what you and your patients are getting. In this one-hour webinar, Eric Foxman, Pharm. (Ret.) will provide a foundational overview of the official HPUS tincture methods. Against that backdrop, he will walk attendees through the variations in other countries’ official compendia and explain why the end products may not be what you think they are. Eric will then provide attendees with issues to consider and questions to ask of your suppliers so your patients get what you want them to have. Why? Because it really is a big deal – to you. For over four decades, Eric Foxman, Pharmacist. (Ret.) has been active with the HPCUS, including Board member, and chair of the Council on Pharmacy. In the former role, he is directly involved with monograph review and approval; in the later role, Eric shepherds review and revision of compendial documents, keeping them current with contemporary regulatory expectations, and updating guidance documents related to homeopathic production. Many in the community know Eric through his work with the American Association of Homeopathic Pharmacists dating back to 1979. He is in the 14th year (of his fourth round) on the AAHP Board of Directors. Eric has been a presenter or host of more than 2 dozen AAHP Compliance Thru Education webinars addressing legal, regulatory and technical aspects impacting homeopathic drug products. He annually provides an AAHP Compliance Thru Education webinar on the latest revisions and updates in the HPUS. An active member of the Portland Storytellers’ Guild, Eric brings his performance art into his webinars to give attendees important information in a memorable format. Dr. Alex Bekker is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: AIH Webinar Time: Sep 9, 2023 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82938198035?pwd=UnhpMHgzaTNqdzY2bmJIUFhHNnNIQT09 Meeting ID: 829 3819 8035 Passcode: 902354