Small Koethen becomes World Capital of Homeopathy - Joyful and Moving LMHI Celebration on 16 March
The homeopathic world medical society Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis (LMHI) has moved its statutory seat from Geneva, Switzerland, to the original house of Dr Samuel Hahnemann in Köthen (Anhalt), Germany. The ceremonial opening was held on 16 March 2013 at the European Library for Homeopathy (EBH) and in the Hahnemann House, both buildings are located right next to each other. An LMHI Memory Plate was mounted in the Hahnemann House in the presence of the Secretary of State in the Ministry of Science and Economic Affairs of Saxony-Anhalt Marco Tullner, Koethen's Lord Mayor Kurt-Juergen Zander, the LMHI Executive Board, and more than 50 guests from all around the world, including India, Bangladesh, Japan, Turkey, and Serbia, but also from Belgium, Austria and the Netherlands.
Koethen Hahnemannhouse Köthen EBH LMHI President Dr. Jose Matuk Hahnemann House Celebration
It is in Wallstraße 47 in Koethen, where Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, lived and praticed from 1821 to 1835 and where he wrote his work Chronic Diseases in 1828. His residence, today known as the “Hahnemann-House”, has been extensively restored by the Hahnemann Society (Verein zur Förderung der Homöopathie), a foundation aimed at returning this site to its original condition, using it as both a museum and as teaching rooms. In 1829, on the occasion of the celebrations for Samuel Hahnemann’s 50th doctor’s anniversary, this house hosted guests and colleagues from all around the world. One hundred eighty-four years later, in 2013. the world community of homeopathic medical doctors will install its registered office at this site. Thus it will create a reference point for all homeopathic medical doctors worldwide.
The Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis is the largest homeopathic medical international world organization, representing hoemopathic physicians in more than 70 countries of the world.
Its main purposes are the following: the development and the securing of homeopathy worldwide and the creation of a link among licensed homeopaths with medical, veterinary, dental or pharmaceutical diplomas and societies and persons who are interested in homeopathy. Founded in Rotterdam in 1925, the association has heretofore existed under article 60 ss. of the Swiss Civil Code with its registered office in Geneva, Switzerland.
Back to the roots of homeopathy: LMHI moves seat to Hahnemann City of Köthen
8/18/2014 4:20:23 AM