The Bundesverband der Pharmazeutische Industrie e.v (BPI) from Germany, has declared that: ”homeopathy is a recognized and effective therapy for patients,” and showed its support to homeopathy. According to the document, it is a “recognized and accepted therapy for the German patients and the first choice for many of them.” Supposedly, this affirmation arises from the results of a poll that such an organization charged the Institute for Social Investigation and Statistical Analysis (FORSA), one of the leaders in the field of research and sociological matters in Germany. According to the results of the study, approximately half of the respondents had taken homeopathy, of which 70% were satisfied or very satisfied with its efficacy and tolerability. Likewise, the results also revealed that almost two thirds, of those polled, considered important or very important that the political organisms work actively with medical doctors to integrate methods such as homeopathy with conventional treatments. In addition, the majority of them also consider that health insurance companies should reimburse the cost of services related to homeopathy. “The poll shows that many people integrate homeopathy as a complementary therapeutic option because of its few secondary effects,” was noted by Dr. Norbert Gerbsch, executive subdirector of BPI. “If the doctor and the patient use it correctly and in a responsible manner it can obtain good results. Homeopathy has been recognized as a complementary treatment to conventional medicine and is clearly requested by German patients,” he affirmed. This data ratifies that homeopathy “is a social and public health reality in Europe, since it is integrated in the health systems of the first world such as France, Germany, and Switzerland with a very high degree of satisfaction.” France published a study through its Ministry of Health about the degree of prescriptions of homeopathy among the French doctors, remarking that about 70% of the medical body consider homeopathy an effective therapy, as is habitually prescribed by 5000 general doctors and by other 25,000 on occasion. resource:
”Homeopathy is a recognized and effective therapy for patients” (BPI)
7/10/2017 9:58:10 AM