Dear Marim Family As in the secret of Unamuno's life: "A long time ago my dearest friend, my heart asked me to write to you. Neither he nor I knew about what, because it was nothing but a very vehement desire to speak confidentially with you ...." Simply express my gratitude, the privilege of having met you. Because this meeting enhanced my life, that of my Family ... and that of the Science that we love and reveal to us: Homeopathy. You were and will always be a source of teaching, of principle, of novelty, of truth, of fruitful Science. Your legacy is an example of those that last over time, as only the great men of your lineage seek throughout their lives. I treasure our talks on homeopathic theory and practice ... Your systematic work in research, experimentation and pathogenesis, opening new fertile paths to our Science and laying solid foundations for an invaluable heritage for Homeopathy. I remember your look, dear friend ... Always sincere, noble, serene, slow, complicit ... Consistent about life, profession, Family ... Generous, humble, attentive gaze, rather than at the "meritocratic" podium, at the seed, focused on young people, on that transcendent consciousness that only men of your size have. You were a spirit abnegated by Medicine in capital letters. "An unbreakable union of action and reflection", a faithful way of " transforming the world ...", according to the teacher Paulo Freire. Deeply grateful - your brother Cesar, Family and Friends. With special affection and heartfelt appreciation to your beautiful Family. Remaining at full disposal. DR. CESAR L. CREMONINI VERSORESE
10/11/2021 7:27:47 PM