Working Groups

One of the most essential functions of the LMHI is its role as the guardian and preserving institution of the timeless qualities of homeopathy. The LMHI achieves this goal by promulgating excellent Homeopathic Medical Education Standards and by encouraging all schools and homeopathic medical associations worldwide and all of their members to provide the best possible homeopathic education to their members. For this purpose, the LMHI adopted the LMHI-ECH Curriculum at the International Council Meeting in Warsaw 2009. This document presents the minimum standards of education and training in homeopathic medicine for medical doctors, pharmacists, veterinarians and dentists, agreed by all homeopathic training centers worldwide. This document provides the training requirements for a safe and effective practice of medical homeopathy and outlines the syllabus for examinations leading to a qualification in homeopathic medicine. This document also provides the basis for the accreditation by the LMHI of courses taught by organizations affiliated to the LMHI. The Education WG evaluates, together with the Executive Committee, the accreditation applications received from institutions that want the LMHI recognition

This group publishes three or four LMHI Newsletters each year with here many very excellent articles about Hahnemanian homeopathy from very famous masters and homeopaths

The group is working on the different aspects of pharmaceutical matters: such as the relationship between homeopathic physician and pharmacist, the problem of expiring dates of homeopathic remedies, the definition of a homeopathic remedy and the analysis of the various homeopathic pharmacopoeias. The results have been presented as lectures during LMHI congresses or have been published. A statement on homeopathic pharmaceutics was also prepared for LMHI.

The Pharmacy WG has worked out the definition of homeopathic medicine, which was approved by the LMHI International Council in the meeting in South Africa 2018:

"A homeopathic medicine has been prepared according to homeopathic pharmaceutical techniques, it has been proved upon healthy beings and it is prescribed according to the principles of homeopathy."


This group gives support to our members and LMHI on political strategies, helping our members to counter attacks against Homeopathy. It also collects funds and donations for our solidarity projects. It consist of several sub-WG with participation from different Working Groups: a. Website / young colleagues / attacks against Homeopathy / press release team/ politic / contact with the WHO / fund raising b. Solidarity and Co-operation: The goal is to help countries with difficulties, by offering political and educational support.

The Scientific Framework of Homeopathy is a joint publication of the Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis (LMHI), the Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, India, and the European Committee for Homeopathy (ECH). A revised edition was produced after the 70th LMHI Congress in July 2015 (Rio, Brazil). Its aim is to consider all important aspects of homeopathic practice, education, and research including ethical questions and the status of Homoeopathy in different countries. This provides readers with an overview of the Homoeopathic system throughout in the world and should be the main reference for answers to questions often raised about Homoeopathy. The document is being constantly updated with the emerging information in different areas.

Homeopathic drug proving forms the bedrock of our homeopathic materia medica and is essential to the development of the science of homeopathy and the art of cure by similars. Over the decades, a number of methodologies and protocols have evolved. Not all of these have met the ethical and legal requirements of the Declaration of Helsinki, ICH-GCP Guidelines and other imperatives of clinical research on human subjects. Since 2013 the LMHI Provings WG has been actively engaged with the European Committee for Homeopathy (ECH) Sub-committee for Provings, in the development and refinement of the Harmonized Guidelines for Homeopathic Provings (2014) which seeks to provide a single international reference for homeopaths, researchers and regulators on the essential components and parameters of an ethical, scientifically-rigorous and reliable homoeopathic drug proving. The Provings WG considers the possibility of conducting multicentric studies in various countries.

Apart from these WG there are other special committee's integrated by members of the main WGs or with their respected special committee secretaries :

  • Epidemics and Disasters is formed by members of Education and Communication and Information
  • Solidarity and Cooperation , formed by members of Education and Communication and Information
  • Dentistry
  • Library
  • Archives

Operating Procedures

  • Working Groups (WG) will be co-ordinated by the respective LMHI Secretaries and they will all be overseen by the LMHI Vice President.
  • In order to join a WG, each participant must be an active LMHI member and submit an application to the General Secretary or WG secretary expressing his/her interest and objectives. Upon approval, he/she will to be named to the Working Group.
  • The maximum number of members of a WG will be 70 (seventy).
  • The members of the WG will correspond through e-mail and the Secretary will coordinate the topics they will discuss. If a member does not have an opinion about a certain topic being discussed, he/she will be asked to send at least a notification of receipt, to confirm that he/she was informed of the WG activity.
  • If a member does not participate for a period of 2 (two) years, the Secretary will automatically retire this member from the WG and its mailing list. In order to remain in contact as a WG member, members must inform the WG Secretary of any changes in their contact e-mail address.
  • The members of the WG will meet once a year, one day before the Annual LMHI Congress. Each WG will present a report of activities and projects twice a year to the LMHI Vice President, who will share this information with the LMHI Executive Committee. The first contact will be after the WG annual meeting, to send the Minutes of the Meeting and the planned projects, and the second report will be six months later.
  • Each Secretary will make a short oral presentation during the Annual LMHI Congress to report the activities that took place that year and to inform the participants of the new projects. The LMHI Congress Organization will reserve 30 minutes for this during the Congress.
  • Approximately two months before a LMHI congress, the secretaries shall send the proposed agenda of their working group meeting to the LMHI Prime Vice-President, who will subsequently, through consultation with the LMHI officers, approve it with possible suggestions. On being finalized, the Prime Vice-President will send it to all Working group members about 1 month before the meeting.
  • Non-attending members can send their suggestions on each subject of the agenda to the secretary of the working group. If the secretary finds it relevant, he may share this in the meeting.
  • LMHI has several working groups with worldwide projects to serve homeopathy and bring high quality to the homeopathic community, where every member can work.